Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

barang yang sering di bawa

Hello ladies and gentelamen .
I will tell me goods often two bring,  My name is suparto damianus .   I goods bring often that wallet and handpane, because obligatory goods bring and important bring . Example handpone bring forget will troubled call me frend and family, ,lacked for moment other people, we handpone help. So obligatory wallet bring and remember pall around, wallet too identity store like KTP and SIM  If be lost result fatal.                                                                                                                               So, wallet and handpone already become or be one with me, that goods me obligatory. I’am not only, but all pople too need wallet and handpone in all activity for abridge working. From this declaration that like important two goods that . because all people in entire world this cirtain have handpone for contact frend in country although mancanegara because goods as already this be friends with all people for found out this goods they willing bought handpone price fantastic for found out. This goods be fand of too and need all people until each year best brand handpone in advertisemet sophisticate with quiite extraordinary. In child as for as grandmother use handpone. So all people lacked for handpone. Thank you  

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