Kamis, 15 Desember 2016

It’s your last meal on earth – what do you choose?

Each and every poeple certain cool food main in indonesia cooked rice until not food strange. But in pertly territory in indonesia food main that not cooked rice but like sago palm or its products and edible tuber.
At that happen because we habit and condition geography in terriotry like we that. In terriotry europa we food main wheat floor. Rare we food cooked rice in fact not know cooked rice. Until culture food wheat floor in indonesia more and more that follow and like young man age now blotting out character or individuality property state indonesia not love home mode product  but more and more love product beyond seas. Until culture in indonesia feded.
Last meal on eart that food sago palm or its produts because that food unique i’am not yet once cause food sago palm or its products that how taste. All poeple more love products beyond seas as food pizza and burger. But for me indonesia food more lescious proof  many poeple strange the explain that food in indonesia the lescious.
Thank you    

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