Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

film yang sama dengan cerita hidup saya

Hello, leadies and gentlemen
Before tell movie like me, My name is suparto damianus .i like top secret movie from thailand. Whose name is ittipat kulpongwanchi. He wish become sombody industriautas and business. With open game, because damaged goods. After that he sell roasted peanut too fall . family’s move going to china because stop paymet defray debt that last open business grass sea some fail  river he permanent oftimis and effort sukses. Thisi tell me some with be alive because for i belffeting university lecture expense only with jewelry i family with price one milion to out money bidikmisi. One day i only money out four thousend for requiremen. After out university lecture i will give skill to pople in village meaning important bringing up for time fron. So that pople sukses.  All pople coll if village can become fore front. From that i university lecture wish they abreast trail roll of honour although effort and buffetings that university lecture very difficult. Too they not like that view technology i counfed honest this university lecture do i no remainder technology. I always oftimis with chaidenge be alive and build i’am village. So i’am motive like this movie. Thank you

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